Friday, May 20, 2011

Friday, May 13, 2011

Hindu Temple (preliminary perspective)

This is a preliminary rendering of my building. I still have to design the facade of the building and the form of the temple at the top of the building.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

HINDU TEMPLE (preliminary perspectives)

 this is a preliminary rendering of the approach to my building. Sorry about the barely perceptible curved pattern on the rail. This pattern will become the pattern on the facade of the building

HINDU TEMPLE (Preliminary sections)

 G stands for gallery, this gallery gradually sweeps around the building and terminates at the top of the building (the temple).

Friday, April 22, 2011

HINDU TEMPLE (4th level floor plan)

B.R               Bathroom
C.A Male      Male Changing Room
C.A Female   Female Changing Room

This is my 4th floor plan. This floor will house the temple. It will also include a changing area for both men and women before they enter the temple. The changing area is separated from the temple by a ramp which connects the temple (elevated 3 feet) and the changing area.