Wednesday, May 4, 2011

HINDU TEMPLE (Preliminary sections)

 G stands for gallery, this gallery gradually sweeps around the building and terminates at the top of the building (the temple).


  1. Please excuse the building elements that are floating in space, I have not finished designing the structure as of yet:)

  2. Xavier, the sectional composition of your building appears capable of providing very interesting internal relationships among the various programs. Take smaller portions of the section and study them in more detail, even if done independently from the overall massing. These smaller scale studies could then be in turn used to inform the programmatic arrangement of the rest of the building. The outdoor spaces between program have a lot of potential to be developed further.

    But again, I need to stress the importance of describing your formal decisions through a conceptual foundation. Buildings, especially designed in studio, are a materialization of an idea. Without it, the design could only be critiqued subjectively. Please describe your thought process in more detail.
