Monday, March 28, 2011

HINDU TEMPLE (Massing of spaces)

This is a preliminary design of the arrangement of my spaces on the site. However it does not reflect the actual form of my building.


  1. This is a start of the heirarchy of spaces - but we cannot read the spaces - what is the color coding? excited to see the massing.

  2. My apologies for the lack of labeling the color coded spaces. :)

    Below are a list of my spaces with their color coding, ascending respectively from low to above.

    Color Spaces

    red Entry
    blue Gallery

    black Visitor's Center

    light green on Kitchen's garden

    cyan on ground reflecting pool

    light green on Dining Hall
    2nd level

    brown on Kitchen
    2nd level

    purple on Massage Room
    2nd level

    dark gray on Locker Room
    2nd level

    light gray on Yoga Studio
    2nd level

    magenta on Conference Room
    3rd level

    dark blue on Offices
    3rd level

    purple on Computer Room
    3rd level

    gray on Classrooms
    3rd level

    green on Temple
    final level
