Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Hindu Temple (3rd level floor plan)

This is my 3rd floor plan. This floor will house my rooms dedicated to the mind, (classrooms etc). The stair, elevator and gallery entry is located on the right and the exit/entrance to the gallery is on the left.


  1. I think you need to show what is above and what is below so we can have a good reference where these spaces are. Also can I see these in section.

  2. You began this process with a conceptual basis for your approach to the design – the limitless energy that encompasses all without a fixed axis – which I felt was a strong theoretical idea that could be translated into a formal design. In your latest plans however, although I appreciate the steps you take to define the spaces, it would be more interesting if you were to describe the arrangement with respect to your initial concept (if it still applies). For instance, why are all of the floor plans circular, why is the temple housed on the fourth floor and rooms dedicated to the mind on the third, and how does the experience or circulation of the space relate to the initial concept you put forth?
